Product details
Product ID: VP-RPC0NEUR0PAMANABC4B-PreparedCert

  • P) Persoonlijke bescherming (extern & intern) to induce secure context & right mindset for mission (==1..123 nazorg prevention)!

    A) Anderen waarschuwen & beschermen

    M) Markeren (skip if situatie het niet toelaat)

    A) Alarmeren (skip if non open infrastructuur)

    N) Noodhulp! verlenen

    A) Ademhaling: check if ademweg vrij = ( luisteren ). Ademweg vrij maken (use gloves) mondinspectie & vrijmaken d.m.v. chinlift / jawthrust / deflexie

    B) Beatcount respiratory system: Controle of de ademhaling constant =

    C) Check for bleedings & external (burn) injuries & put victim in stable position if possible & communicate with victim & observe & log 4 (para)medics to arrive = for anamnesis

    note: we prefer using VP.core.sec for silent communication between all significant sections, 0nsch has developed a complete mirrored implementation/replacement of the and merged it with the standard event-service-depts. for handling scalable event management where 66% of the time loud music is interfering with clear reception (and leaks audible/sensitive data which might cause unrest in the crowd + loud volumelevels & random spikes while using cp-in-ear devices lead to hearing damage), whereas the old (yet visually attractive in marketing perspective) radiobased method became even a reliability in core.sec as measured during fieldtests RPC 2009-2018! beta URLs for implementation tested at R&B & div RT productions [rpc, cp, receptie, productie, td, horeca, med, mc, education, live] as a potential lifesaving donation composed by, totally free of charge for events certified by 0nsch!

Prijs/stuk: €123,45


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